Selasa, 22 September 2015

Women’s Health

Women’s health is one of the oldest disciplines of acupuncture
Image result for women healthFor over a thousand years, women’s health has been its own specialty in Chinese medicine. Sun Simiao wrote the first book on the subject in the 6th Century. Since then, doctors and sages of Chinese medicine have been using acupuncture to treat women’s health as a mainstay of their practice, with specialized clinics being the norm today in China. Dylan and Jinhee have apprenticed with modern day masters of Chinese medicine for women’s health, bringing ancient traditions to life at Dylan Stein Acupuncture.Acupuncture treats women’s health concerns
From a woman’s first period through menopause, acupuncture can help smooth out the bumps some women encounter along the way. May be it’s painful periods or or endometriosis, infertility or morning sickness, acupuncture has answers. We treat the whole woman, not just the symptoms, so you can be healthier overall while also achieving your specific women’s health goals.
How does acupuncture treat these conditions?
Acupuncture works being restoring harmony and balance to the body, two things so easily lost in a hectic place like New York City. We run from home to work and back again, and sometimes we lose the calm that our body needs to be well. Acupuncture helps you find that calm again. We treat the whole person, not just the symptoms, so we meet you where you are, health-wise, and work with you to find wellness again. We use acupuncture, herbal medicine, diet and lifestyle changes to help you get back on track.
What are the most common women’s health issues you see in the acupuncture clinic?
The conditions we see most commonly in the clinic are:
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Endometriosis
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Infertility
  • Pregnancy-related concerns (like morning sickness)
  • Post-partum care
  • Menopause
  • Sexual Dysfunction (like painful intercourse, vaginal dryness or low libido  
 To make an appointment with me for treatment, please go to the Rdmenik Acupuncture. If you have further questions, feel free to ask me through the Contact person : +62 81916190029 / +62 361 768249

Sabtu, 12 September 2015

Post-partum Care

Acupuncture can help women after they give birth

In China, special care is taken of women after they give birth to avoid any illnesses. In America, too often women have to return to work soon after giving birth, which can cause fatigue, anxiety, or other health concerns. Acupuncture helps to rebuild the constitution after giving birth, which means building the body’s energy, restoring the blood and healthy fluids, and bringing the body back into balance. Even with the best of intentions, illness may arise. Acupuncture can help – it is a low risk, safe, and effective way to restore health without having to take medications unless they’re absolutely necessary. Chinese medicine has been helping women post-partum for over 2,000 years. See what acupuncture can help you with today so you can enjoy your new baby without worrying about your health.

What does acupuncture treat during pregnancy?

Click on any of the following skin condition names to read more about how they are treated using acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine:
Post-partum Depression
Breast Milk Not Flowing
Urinary Difficulty
Retention of Lochia/Persistant Discharge
Bell’s Palsy

Acupuncture treats post-partum depression

Post-partum depression is not uncommon. Giving birth is exhausting. Hormones are flooding the body. In acupuncture theory, post-partum depression is easily explained. In fact, the oldest books on Chinese medicine describe post-partum depression and how to treat it. We build up the constitution by replacing fluids and blood lost during childbirth. We invigorate the flow of the body’s energy and the circulation of blood. We calm the mind. This treatment strategy helps with depression, mood swings, anxiety, insomnia, confusion, obsessive thoughts, and phobias so you can enjoy life with your newborn baby.

Acupuncture treats anxiety after childbirth

Becoming a parent is a new and exciting time. Life changes, and those changes can provoke anxiety. Acupuncture can help restore balance and calm, so the world can change and you can stay steady. Acupuncture treats anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, and irritability.

Acupuncture treats post-partum fatigue

Acupuncture and herbs can help a woman recover after labor and delivery. Acupuncture can be used to improve fatigue by building energy, fortifying the blood and balancing the constitution. Acupuncture can also help with shortness of breath, sweating and cough related to fatigue after childbirth.

Acupuncture can treat sweating after pregnancy

Sweating after pregnancy can either accompany fatigue, in which case you usually have daytime sweating, or occur at night, as night sweats with or without insomnia and vivid dreaming. Either way, acupuncture can treat sweating after pregnancy by improving the body’s energy, blood and fluids. Treatments are nourishing and soothing. In severe cases, herbs may be used to stop sweating.

Acupuncture can increase breast milk production for insufficient lactation

Acupuncture and herbs can be used to increase breast milk production, improve flow of breast milk and treat mastitis. Acupuncture nourishes the blood and improves the energy to increase breast milk production. Acupuncture unblocks the milk ducts to allow better milk flow. Clogged milk ducts and mastitis can be safely treated with acupuncture and herbs, reducing redness, discomfort and swelling.

Acupuncture treats urinary difficulty after childbirth

Acupuncture can be used to treat both blocked urination and urinary dribbling after childbirth. By strengthening the body’s energy overall and in the organ systems responsible for urination, symptoms such as a feeling that the urine is stuck and won’t come out or even that the urine dribbles out at the end of urination (weak flow) can be treated.

Acupuncture treats hemorrhoids after pregnancy

In acupuncture theory, hemorrhoids can be caused by a weakness in the body’s energy, which is common after pregnancy or labor and delivery. Acupuncture treats this deficiency, by building the energy back up, harmonizing the blood to stop any bleeding that may occur from the hemorrhoid, stop pain, and facilitate bowel movements. Chinese herbs can also be used topically or internally to treat hemorrhoids, supporting the acupuncture treatment. We will also talk about dietary changes that may help improve hemorrhoid symptoms.

Acupuncture treats vaginal discharge after pregnancy

Lochia is the normal vaginal discharge that follows pregnancy as the uterus sheds remaining cells. It is typically pink, red or brown. Occasionally, it is white. Acupuncture can treat retention of lochia, which causes vaginal discharge to occur for several weeks, sometimes as many as 6 weeks. Acupuncture facilitates the shedding by stimulating and tonifying the uterus and its normal muscle function. Herbs can be used to speed the process in some cases. While lochia is normal, an extended shedding is unpleasant and not-beneficial. Acupuncture can help clean out the uterus so it can return to its pre-pregnancy state.

Acupuncture treats Bell’s Palsy after childbirth

Acupuncture treats Bell’s Palsy, which can occur at any time in a person’s life. Unfortunately, women are particularly susceptible after childbirth when they’re already fatigued and taxed by labor delivery. This usually temporary cause of facial paralysis responds very well to acupuncture treatments, especially when treatment is started soon after the onset of symptoms (within a few days). This is when prognosis is best. Paralysis symptoms may disappear spontaneously, but can be permanent. Don’t delay making an appointment if you’re experiencing Bell’s Palsy symptoms.

To make an appointment with me for treatment, please go to the Rdmenik Acupuncture. If you have further questions, feel free to ask me through the Contact person : +62 81916190029 / +62 361 768249 

Kamis, 10 September 2015

in-house cosmetic acupuncture

About the Cosmetic Acupuncture Centre
The cosmetic acupuncture centre specialises in facial rejuvenation and weight loss
1. Facial Rejuvenation
Younger, Fresher Skin
Have you ever wondered how some of Hollywood’s hottest celebs maintain their youthful, glowing complexions? We want to let you in on one of their best-kept secrets. Cosmetic acupuncture has been used in Hollywood for years by celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Sean Connery, Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow.
What is cosmetic acupuncture?
Acupuncture treatments have long been used to alleviate and minimize pain, but this traditional Chinese medicine can also be used to achieve younger-looking skin. Also known as facial rejuvenation acupuncture, cosmetic acupuncture is a natural alternative to cosmetic surgery that provides many of the same skin-saving effects
How does it work?
Practitioner places a series of ultra-fine acupuncture needles into and around wrinkles, facial muscles and pressure points. The placement of the needles increases collagen production and blood and lymph circulation to the face and scalp. With every needle insertion, the Practioner creates micro trauma causing the white blood cells to move to the area to repair the lines formed on the skin.
Getting results with cosmetic acupuncture
You should be able to see some results right away, but 12 to 15 treatments are usually recommended to achieve full effects. It’s generally recommended you go twice a week for six weeks, but this can differ for each person. Speak to the Practioner to determine your exact needs.
What are the beauty benefits?
Cosmetic acupuncture is known to help a variety of skin concerns including wrinkles, brow furrows, sagging skin, drooping jawline, age spots, puffy eyes, dark circles, pigmentation, smoking lines, drooping eyebrows and crows’ feet, to name just a few. Beauty benefits include the prevention of wrinkle formation, minimization of fine lines and improvement in the process by which skin regulates its quality and appearance — meaning improved skin texture and tone. Cosmetic acupuncture also accelerates anti-inflammatory activity and removes toxins from the skin, resulting in a youthful glow. This procedure also gives existing deep-set wrinkles a much smoother appearance.
What else can you expect?
The acupuncture needles cause more blood to circulate to the face, giving you a glow that no other treatment will. One can feel rejuvenated in and out and look 10 to 15 years younger. The treatment not only improves skin imperfections, but also provides an inner sense of well-being. “Patients often are stunned by the effect of this treatment and how great they feel.”
2. Weight loss
An educational program to help the individual develop optimal health with the added bonus of weight loss. The program is designed to reset the metabolic function thus reduce the chances of gaining the weight again.
Benefits include increased in energy levels, concentration, sleeping patterns, alertness and weight loss. Patients can expect an average loss of 4-6kg per 4 week cycle and 4 -8 cm around the waist line.
3. Other ailments:
a) pain relief
b) sexual disorders
c) lung disorders
d) allergies
e) inflammatory disorders e.g. Arthrirtis
f) Drug addiction


To make an appointment with me for treatment, please go to the Rdmenik Acupuncture. If you have further questions, feel free to ask me through the Contact person : +62 81916190029 / +62 361 768249