What are the symptoms of menopause Acupuncture treats menopause symptoms
Acupuncture treats night sweating, hot flushes, back pain, dry skin, mood changes, vaginal dryness, and low libido associated with menopause.
Acupuncture balances the constitution, regulates the body’s energy and improves circulation. By restoring balance to the body, acupuncture can treat the symptoms of menopause safely and effectively.
The most common symptoms of menopause can be broken into two categories:
- Physical – hot flashes/flushes and sweating, night sweats, vaginal dryness, decreased libido, urinary changes, palpitations, digestive disturbance, headaches, fatigue, weight gain and heart palpitations (sensation of your heart beating)
- Mental-emotional – depression, anxiety, irritability, poor memory and insomnia
What causes menopause symptoms?
perimenopause to the end of menstruation (menopause; one year of no
periods) usually takes 2 to 5 years. Hormone production overall
decreases. Periods become more and more irregular, and may become
heavier or scantier, longer or shorter. Ovulation may or may not occur.
As ovarian follicle and ovulation dwindle, and eventually cease,
estrogen and progesterone production dips. This causes the symptoms of
menopausal syndrome.How does acupuncture treat menopause symptoms?
From a Western medical perspective, decreasing hormone levels lead to the symptoms of night sweating, hot flashes, urogenital changes, low libido, depression and fatigue, but Chinese medicine has a different perspective. By identifying the organs and systems that are in distress, acupuncture can help reduce symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, making this transition easier.To make an appointment with me for treatment, please go to the Rdmenik Acupuncture. If you have further questions, feel free to ask me through the Contact person : +62 81916190029 / +62 361 768249
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